readme | txt | readme file |
makefile | gcc | make file for GNU G++ Linux |
makefile | gccOSX | make file for GNU G++ MAC OS X |
makefile | gw32 | make file for Cygwin (Win32) |
makefile | bc5 | make file for Borland C++ 4.5, 5.x (Win32) |
makefile | vcpp | make file for Visual C++ 5.0 and 6.0(Win32) |
makefile | qnx | make file for QNX |
CMakeLists | txt | Confguration file for CMake |
roboop | bkl | Configuration file for Bakefile |
roboop | dsw | workspace for Visual C++ 6.0 (Win32) |
bench | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
demo | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
demo_2dof_pd | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
newmat | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
roboop | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
rtest | dsp | project file used by roboop.dsw |
roboop | sln | solution for Visual C++ 7.0 (Win32) |
bench | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
demo | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
demo_2dof_pd | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
newmat | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
roboop | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
rtest | vcproj | project file used by roboop.sln |
demo | txt | output of the demo program |
newmat | directory of the matrix library NEWMAT11 | |
see the file nm11.htm | ||
docs | documentation directory | |
gnugpl | txt | GNU General Public License |
gnulgpl | txt | GNU Lesser General Public License |
robot | ps | documentation in postscript format |
robot | documentation in PDF format | |
doxy | Doxygen documentation directory | |
roboop_doxygen | Doxygen configuration file |
source | the ROBOOP program source directory | |
CMakeLists | txt | Confguration file for CMake |
robot | h | header file |
clik | h | header file for CLIK |
config | h | header file for configuration class |
controller | h | header file for controllers |
control_select | h | header file for Control_Select class |
dynamics_sim | h | header file for Dynamics class |
gnugraph | h | header file for the graphics |
quaternion | h | header file for the quaternions |
stewart | h | header file for the Stewart classs |
trajectory | h | header file for the splines |
utils | h | header file utility functions |
bench | cpp | benchmark program file |
clik | cpp | closed loop inverse kinematics CLIK |
comp_dq | cpp | simplified version of delta_t with no dqp and dqpp |
comp_dqp | cpp | simplified version of delta_t with no dq and dqpp |
config | cpp | configuration class members functions |
controller | cpp | some controllers functions |
control_select | cpp | controller selection functions |
delta_t | cpp | compute torque variation w/r to dq, dqp and dqpp |
demo | cpp | demo program file |
demo_2dof_pd | cpp | demo program file |
dynamics | cpp | dynamics functions |
dynamics_sim | cpp | simulation dynamics functions |
gnugraph | cpp | graphics functions |
homogen | cpp | homogeneous transform functions |
impedance | cpp | impedance controller |
invkine | cpp | inverse kinematics functions |
kinemat | cpp | kinematics functions |
quaternion | cpp | quaternions functions |
robot | cpp | constructors and other stuff |
rtest | cpp | testing program file |
test | txt | testing data file |
sensitiv | cpp | partial derivatives of robot dynamics |
stewart | cpp | implemantation of the Stewart classs |
trajectory | cpp | translation and rotation splines |
utils | cpp | miscellaneous |
conf | configuration files directory | |
pd_2dof | conf | PD controller parameters for the 2 dof robot |
puma560_dh | conf | PUMA robot parameters standard D-H |
puma560_mdh | conf | PUMA robot parameters modified D-H |
q_2dod | dat | desired trajectory for the 2 dof robot |
rhino560_dh | conf | RHINO robot parameters standard D-H |
rhino560_mdh | conf | RHINO robot parameters modified D-H |
rr_dh | conf | 2 dof robot parameters standard D-H |
stewart | conf | a Stewart platform parameters file |