2.17 Config class
Config(const string & filename, const bool bPrintErrorMessages = true);
Config(const Config & x);
Config & operator=(const Config & x);
This class provides a function to read a configuration.
Return Value
Reading and writing
short read_conf();
short write_conf(const string filename, const string file_title,
const int space_between_column);
The member function read_conf reads a configuration file (specified by
constructor). The member function write_conf writes the configuration data in a
file. A configuration file is divided in sections, which contain different parameters
with their values. A section starts by [section_name] and contains one or more
parameters an their values: parameter_name: value The “:” is mandatory
between the name of the parameter and it’s value. Lines beginning with a # and
white/empty lines are ignored . The following example contains one section
named PUMA560_mDH.
DH: 0
Fix: 1
MinPara: 0
dof: 6
Motor: 0
Return Value
Status, as a short int.
- 0 successful
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
string & value) const;
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
bool & value) const;
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
short & value) const;
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
int & value) const;
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
double & value) const;
short select(const string section, const string parameter,
float & value) const;
These member functions are use to assign to the variable value the value of the
parameter parameter from section section section.
Return Value
Status, as a short int.
- 0 successful
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const string value);
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const bool value);
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const short value);
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const int value);
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const double value);
void add(const string section, const string parameter,
const float value);
These member functions are use to add data into the data file structure.
They will create the section and the parameter if it does not already
Return Value