ROBOOP, A Robotics Object Oriented Package in C++
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCClikHandle Closed Loop Inverse Kinematics scheme
oCComputed_torque_methodComputer torque method controller class
oCConfigHandle configuration files
oCControl_SelectSelect controller class
oCDataBasic data element used in Config class
oCDynamicsDynamics simulation handling class
oCGNUcurveObject for one curve
oCImpedanceImpedance controller class
oCIO_matrix_fileRead and write data at every iterations in a file
oCLinkLink definitions
oCLinkStewartLinkStewart definitions
oCmRobotModified DH notation robot class
oCmRobot_min_paraModified DH notation and minimal inertial parameters robot class
oCNew_dynamicsThis is an example of customize Dynamics class
oCPlot2d2d plot object
oCPlot3d3d plot object
oCPlot_fileCreates a graphic from a data file
oCProportional_DerivativeProportional derivative controller class
oCQuaternionQuaternion class definition
oCResolved_accResolved rate acceleration controller class
oCRobotDH notation robot class
oCRobot_basicVirtual base robot class
oCSpl_cubicNatural cubic splines class
oCSpl_pathCartesian or joint space trajectory
oCSpl_QuaternionCubic quaternions spline
oCStewartStewart definitions
\CTrajectory_SelectTrajectory class selection